Am I ready to help others through their loss?
Am I ready to support hurting parents?
Am I ready to be a Sharing Parents Volunteer?
These are questions that all of our volunteers
have asked themselves.

I am at a place now
A beautiful place
Where I can help others
And teach others
And give to others
Touching lives
All for you
All because of you . . .
~Joanne Cacciatore~
If you have questions or are interested in becoming a volunteer please contact us at
(916) 424-5150 or
Below is a list of many of the volunteer opportunities that are available with Sharing Parents. Time commitments and training requirements vary, depending on the position.
October Memorial Committee: Help with planning and preparation for our annual memorial, music, speakers, donation requests.
Outreach: Help with outreach to hospitals and professional providers.
Newsletter: Help with content and editing.
Website Maintenance: Update website information as needed.
Fundraising: Plan and organize events and other fundraising opportunities.
**Support Meeting Facilitator: Facilitate monthly support meetings .
**Listening Line Volunteer: Provide phone support and return messages left on our Listening Line.