You may think that no one in the world understands the numbness, anxiety, anger, or emptiness, but we understand. Grief is a complex process, and Sharing Parents respects that your grief is unique. Everyone at Sharing Parents has experienced this journey. We are here to let you heal by sharing your grief with a community of parents who understand.
When grieving, you may experience a wide range of emotions and physical symptoms. Experiencing each of them is normal and necessary. Crying and sadness are part of losing someone we love. Sometimes it can be more helpful to grieve together than alone. Sharing Parents is a community that supports you along your journey by connecting you with other bereaved parents. There’s nothing like having a friend who has been there to hold your hand and lend a listening ear.
…We are here for you.
NOTICE: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Update:
In-person support meetings transitioned to virtual meetings until further notice. Learn More
Navigating Grief Series
This series of meetings is for parents willing and able to commit to a 4-week series of meetings with the same group of parents. It is for parents within the first year following a loss. The Navigating Grief Series is intended to help parents develop a deeper understanding of their grief. This series is offered on an as-needed basis and is scheduled once we have enough interested parents.
Grief Support Meetings
Support meetings for parents who have lost a baby from conception through early infancy, regardless of how long ago the loss occurred. Meetings are open and a reservation is not required.
Subsequent Pregnancy Support
Support meetings are offered for families who are currently pregnant or considering getting pregnant again following their loss. Meetings are open and a reservation is not required.
Listening Line
The Listening Line offers phone support to parents from one of our parent volunteers. If you need to speak to someone between meetings, you may call the Listening Line at any time at 916-424-5150. Please leave a message with your name, number, and the best time to reach you, and one of our compassionate volunteers will call you back.
Stay up to date with Sharing Parents’ support meetings, events, and information on the pregnancy and infant loss community
October Memorial
Our annual memorial is an opportunity for parents, family, and friends to come together to collectively remember and celebrate our beloved babies. The memorial includes parent speakers, an art activity, dove release, butterfly release, and candle lighting ceremony. The event is open to the public.
Need additional support?
If you need additional support beyond what Sharing Parents provides, refer to our Counselor Directory for a list of counselors and therapists in the greater Sacramento area that specialize in grief support.