By Sara Seberger
Last weekend I had the honor to walk in the March of Dimes, March for Babies for my son, Max. I walked along with hundreds (or thousands?) of other people in honor of our babies. This year, the March of Dimes had colored leis for those of us who lost our babies and those whose babies were born too soon, but survived, which made it easy to spot the parents with similar experiences.
We wore white leis. Theirs were purple. It comforts me to know that I’m not alone in experiencing babyloss but it also breaks my heart to see how many people are effected by similar experiences.
This was my fourth March and I truly appreciate all the ways that I get to honor Max at this event. I wear my Sharing Parents team t-shirt that has Max’s name on the back. The event has a giant poster that I get to write Max’s name on. A local nursery donates potted plants for a “memory garden” for the babies that died and I get to write Max’s name on a butterfly and place it in one of these plants. At the end of the event, I can even take the plant home with me.
My favorite part of the March is the personal connections. A few of our close friends and family come out to join us for the 3-mile journey and help us keep Max alive in our hearts and keep his name in the world. I also appreciate seeing you, my Sharing Parents family and honoring your babies with you.